Setup admin in Blackwake with Citadel Servers
The following basic guide will show you how to set admin in your Blackwake game server.
Making yourself or your friends Admin on Blackwake is very simple and only takes a few minutes to setup, so lets get started;
1. First, log in to your Control Panel and stop your server.
2. Now open your Configuration Files and then open Admin.txt in the text editor
3. Once you have done this you will need to get your 64bit SteamID. You can do this by visiting this link; 64BitSteamID
4. Now take your 64bit SteamID and navigate to your Admin.txt
5. Now add the following; name=your64bitsteamid
The name can be set to whatever you like, although it is probably best to set it to the players name
Please note: Do not set the name to anything that has an = (equals) symbol, this will cause problems!
6. Now save your Admin.txt and start the server.