This article will guide you how to Port Forwarding Server
This is REQUIRED for people to connect to you 99% of the time. If you haven't port forwarded and have followed this guide correctly and it STILL doesn't work, then port forward, chances are your problems will be solved.
You will need to forward port 21025 on your router AND add exceptions in your windows firewall.
(NOTE: If you have a third party anti-virus / firewall you MAY need to add exceptions for the game and or ports for it aswell. If this becomes a problem for you, you'll have to find a guide for your specific Anti-virus.)
For specific information on how to port forward for your router, look on the back or bottom of your router for the model number, and google the model number + port forwarding guide. This should provide you with enough information to get you through it. Every router is different, so I cannot possibly give a detailed guide for everyone.
You can use a website such as CanYouSeeMe[www.canyouseeme.org] to figure out if your port forwarding did indeed work, otherwise, you can just have someone attempt connection.
You can also use CanYouSeeMe[www.canyouseeme.org] to figure out your public IP for helping people to connect to you.
You will need to forward port 21025 on your router AND add exceptions in your windows firewall.
(NOTE: If you have a third party anti-virus / firewall you MAY need to add exceptions for the game and or ports for it aswell. If this becomes a problem for you, you'll have to find a guide for your specific Anti-virus.)
For specific information on how to port forward for your router, look on the back or bottom of your router for the model number, and google the model number + port forwarding guide. This should provide you with enough information to get you through it. Every router is different, so I cannot possibly give a detailed guide for everyone.
You can use a website such as CanYouSeeMe[www.canyouseeme.org] to figure out if your port forwarding did indeed work, otherwise, you can just have someone attempt connection.
You can also use CanYouSeeMe[www.canyouseeme.org] to figure out your public IP for helping people to connect to you.