This article will show you how to configure your Vintage Story Server.
- Open the 'Configuration Files' section from your control panel.
- Select the 'Text Editor' option next to 'Data\serverconfig.json'
- Refer to the Example Configuration below and change the respective settings where you need to do so in order to configure your server to your desires.
"ConfigVersion": "1.0",
"ServerMonitor": true,
"MasterserverUrl": "http://masterserver.vintagestory.at/api/v1/servers/",
"ClientConnectionTimeout": 600,
"ClientPlayingTimeout": 60,
"BuildLogging": false,
"EntityDebugMode": false,
"MapSizeX": 600000,
"MapSizeY": 256,
"MapSizeZ": 600000,
"ServerLanguage": "en",
"SkipEveryChunkRow": 0,
"SkipEveryChunkRowWidth": 0,
"ModPaths": [
"WorldConfig": {
"Seed": null,
"SaveFileLocation": "D:\\CitadelServers\\Users\\username\\221529\\Data\\Saves\\default.vcdbs",
"WorldName": "A new world",
"AllowCreativeMode": true,
"PlayStyle": "surviveandbuild",
"PlayStyleLangCode": "surviveandbuild-bands",
"WorldType": "standard",
"WorldConfiguration": null,
"MapSizeY": null,
"CreatedByPlayerName": null,
"DisabledMods": null
"NextPlayerGroupUid": 10,
"GroupChatHistorySize": 20,
"MaxOwnedGroupChannelsPerUser": 10,
"ServerName": "Vintage Story Server",
"ServerUrl": null,
"WelcomeMessage": "Welcome {0}, may you survive well and prosper",
"Ip": null,
"Port": 42420,
"Upnp": false,
"CompressPackets": true,
"AdvertiseServer": true,
"MaxClients": 16,
"Password": null,
"MaxChunkRadius": 12,
"TickTime": 33.3333321,
"BlockTickChunkRange": 3,
"MaxMainThreadBlockTicks": 10000,
"RandomBlockTicksPerChunk": 16,
"BlockTickInterval": 300,
"Roles": [
"Code": "suvisitor",
"Name": "Survival Visitor",
"Description": "Can only visit this world and chat but not use/place/break anything",
"PrivilegeLevel": -1,
"DefaultSpawn": null,
"ForcedSpawn": null,
"Privileges": [
"RuntimePrivileges": [],
"DefaultGameMode": 1,
"Color": "Green",
"LandClaimAllowance": 0,
"LandClaimMinSize": {
"X": 6,
"Y": 6,
"Z": 6,
"AsBlockPos": {
"X": 6,
"Y": 6,
"Z": 6
"LandClaimMaxAreas": 3,
"AutoGrant": false
"Code": "crvisitor",
"Name": "Creative Visitor",
"Description": "Can only visit this world, chat and fly but not use/place/break anything",
"PrivilegeLevel": -1,
"DefaultSpawn": null,
"ForcedSpawn": null,
"Privileges": [
"RuntimePrivileges": [],
"DefaultGameMode": 2,
"Color": "DarkGray",
"LandClaimAllowance": 0,
"LandClaimMinSize": {
"X": 6,
"Y": 6,
"Z": 6,
"AsBlockPos": {
"X": 6,
"Y": 6,
"Z": 6
"LandClaimMaxAreas": 3,
"AutoGrant": false
"Code": "limitedsuplayer",
"Name": "Limited Survival Player",
"Description": "Can use/place/break blocks only in permitted areas (priv level -1), create/manage player groups and chat",
"PrivilegeLevel": -1,
"DefaultSpawn": null,
"ForcedSpawn": null,
"Privileges": [
"RuntimePrivileges": [],
"DefaultGameMode": 1,
"Color": "White",
"LandClaimAllowance": 0,
"LandClaimMinSize": {
"X": 6,
"Y": 6,
"Z": 6,
"AsBlockPos": {
"X": 6,
"Y": 6,
"Z": 6
"LandClaimMaxAreas": 3,
"AutoGrant": false
"Code": "limitedcrplayer",
"Name": "Limited Creative Player",
"Description": "Can use/place/break blocks in only in permitted areas (priv level -1), create/manage player groups, chat, fly and set his own game mode (= allows fly and change of move speed)",
"PrivilegeLevel": -1,
"DefaultSpawn": null,
"ForcedSpawn": null,
"Privileges": [
"RuntimePrivileges": [],
"DefaultGameMode": 2,
"Color": "LightGreen",
"LandClaimAllowance": 0,
"LandClaimMinSize": {
"X": 6,
"Y": 6,
"Z": 6,
"AsBlockPos": {
"X": 6,
"Y": 6,
"Z": 6
"LandClaimMaxAreas": 3,
"AutoGrant": false
"Code": "suplayer",
"Name": "Survival Player",
"Description": "Can use/place/break blocks in unprotected areas (priv level 0), create/manage player groups and chat. Can claim an area of up to 4 chunks.",
"PrivilegeLevel": 0,
"DefaultSpawn": null,
"ForcedSpawn": null,
"Privileges": [
"RuntimePrivileges": [],
"DefaultGameMode": 1,
"Color": "White",
"LandClaimAllowance": 131072,
"LandClaimMinSize": {
"X": 6,
"Y": 6,
"Z": 6,
"AsBlockPos": {
"X": 6,
"Y": 6,
"Z": 6
"LandClaimMaxAreas": 3,
"AutoGrant": false
"Code": "crplayer",
"Name": "Creative Player",
"Description": "Can use/place/break blocks in all areas (priv level 100), create/manage player groups, chat, fly and set his own game mode (= allows fly and change of move speed). Can claim an area of up to 40 chunks.",
"PrivilegeLevel": 100,
"DefaultSpawn": null,
"ForcedSpawn": null,
"Privileges": [
"RuntimePrivileges": [],
"DefaultGameMode": 2,
"Color": "LightGreen",
"LandClaimAllowance": 1310720,
"LandClaimMinSize": {
"X": 6,
"Y": 6,
"Z": 6,
"AsBlockPos": {
"X": 6,
"Y": 6,
"Z": 6
"LandClaimMaxAreas": 6,
"AutoGrant": false
"Code": "sumod",
"Name": "Survival Moderator",
"Description": "Can use/place/break blocks everywhere (priv level 200), create/manage player groups, chat, kick/ban players and do serverwide announcements. Can claim an area of up to 4 chunks.",
"PrivilegeLevel": 200,
"DefaultSpawn": null,
"ForcedSpawn": null,
"Privileges": [
"RuntimePrivileges": [],
"DefaultGameMode": 1,
"Color": "Cyan",
"LandClaimAllowance": 1310720,
"LandClaimMinSize": {
"X": 6,
"Y": 6,
"Z": 6,
"AsBlockPos": {
"X": 6,
"Y": 6,
"Z": 6
"LandClaimMaxAreas": 60,
"AutoGrant": false
"Code": "crmod",
"Name": "Creative Moderator",
"Description": "Can use/place/break blocks everywhere (priv level 500), create/manage player groups, chat, kick/ban players, fly and set his own or other players game modes (= allows fly and change of move speed). Can claim an area of up to 40 chunks.",
"PrivilegeLevel": 500,