The following guide will show you how to configure your dedicated Palworld game server.
Not a client yet? Order a Palworld Server today with Citadel Servers
1. Firstly, access the Game Panel (click this link for easy access) and navigate to your Palworld server.
Make sure the server is not running, by pressing the "Stop" button.

2. Next, on the left side, go to the "Configuration Files" section.

3. There, you will click on either "Config Editor" or "Text Editor"

The Config Editor provides an easy way to edit the configuration with a GUI,
the Text Editor is plain text, less user friendly.
a. Config Editor ( Graphical Editor Method )
Recommended Method
GUI Example:

b. Text Editor ( Plain text file editor )
For the text editor method, the parameter to edit is:ServerName="example server name"

We recommend that you change only the necessary settings. Also, line breaks are not allowed in the middle of a line. *Note that there are parameters reserved for future updates.
Difficulty | Difficulty |
DayTimeSpeedRate | Day time speed |
NightTimeSpeedRate | Night time speed |
ExpRate | EXP rate |
PalCaptureRate | Pal capture rate |
PalSpawnNumRate | Pal appearance rate |
PalDamageRateAttack | Damage from pals multipiler |
PalDamageRateDefense | Damage to pals multipiler |
PlayerDamageRateAttack | Damage from player multipiler |
PlayerDamageRateDefense | Damage to player multipiler |
PlayerStomachDecreaceRate | Player hunger depletion rate |
PlayerStaminaDecreaceRate | Player stamina reduction rate |
PlayerAutoHPRegeneRate | Player auto HP regeneration rate |
PlayerAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep | Player sleep HP regeneration rate |
PalStomachDecreaceRate | Pal hunger depletion rate |
PalStaminaDecreaceRate | Pal stamina reduction rate |
PalAutoHPRegeneRate | Pal auto HP regeneration rate |
PalAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep | Pal sleep health regeneration rate (in Palbox) |
BuildObjectDamageRate | Damage to structure multipiler |
BuildObjectDeteriorationDamageRate | Structure determination rate |
CollectionDropRate | Getherable items multipiler |
CollectionObjectHpRate | Getherable objects HP multipiler |
CollectionObjectRespawnSpeedRate | Getherable objects respawn interval |
EnemyDropItemRate | Dropped Items Multipiler |
DeathPenalty | Death penalty None : No lost, Item : Lost item without equipment, ItemAndEquipment : Lost item and equipment, All : Lost All item, equipment, pal(in inventory) |
GuildPlayerMaxNum | Max player of Guild |
PalEggDefaultHatchingTime | Time(h) to incubate massive egg |
ServerPlayerMaxNum | Maximum number of people who can join the server |
ServerName | Server name |
ServerDescription | Server description |
AdminPassword | AdminPassword |
ServerPassword | Set the server password. |
PublicPort | Public port number |
PublicIP | Public IP |
RCONEnabled | Enable RCON |
RCONPort | Port number for RCON |
After making the changes you want to make, make sure to press "Save & Exit" for the configurations to take effect. Go back to your game panel and press "Start" to start your server!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
My server does not appear in the Official Servers list?
This is official game servers by the developer, not community servers
My server does not appear in the community servers list?
Our servers should be searchable by default. The Palworld Server search bar is Case Sensitive.
Check what you type in the search bar and make sure the name and the letter case both match the server.
I clicked connect with my server IP and port but it doesn't connect?
This could be several things, firstly make sure you have the correct IP and port, maybe there is an extra character or space in there.
Secondly, make sure your server is shown as running, it won't appear if stopped.
Thirdly, make sure it's up to date, you can only join the server if you have the same version.
Go to the game panel and run either "Steam Update" or "Server Updater"
I clicked connect and it won't let me join because of the password I added to my server?
This is a known issue that the developer has stated, there is no way around this at this time,
they have stated they will be adding a prompt that asks you for password in a future patch.
What are configurations and commands I can execute on my Palworld server?
We have guides that show you the different configurations and commands you can do for Palworld.
You can check out all our Palworld guides in this link.